Tuesday 29 April 2014

Coffee Scarcity

Hi coffee lovers

I woke up today morning and thought to my self, What am i gonna have for Breakfast? Cappuccino was my first choice. But guess what, The Country is out of coffee, both in their stores and outlets.
Most countries focus alot on exports and forget people at home are also coffee addicts

How long is this going to go on? no one knows and the funny thing is, no predictions came into light so as to warn the internal customers that we might run out of coffee so as to prepare for this. ARFIC, more work needs to be done to solve this problem

Sunday 27 April 2014

Saturday 26 April 2014

Coffee Agronomy of Burundi

Emerging from over a decade of civil strife and economic instability Burundi is poised to regain a foothold in its ascent as a significant player in global coffee markets.  Burundi is already well positioned in an increasingly privatized environment to capitalize on its comparative agro-ecological advantages and long coffee producing traditions and expand its supply of coffees to higher value specialty markets around the world.

Burundi’s goal of producing high quality coffees for specialty markets requires the application of “best agronomic practices” in the production of coffee cherries. InterCafé-Burundi, an inter-professional coffee trade association, is charged with providing coffee growers with training in targeted practices and technologies including:
  • Pruning. Pruning is another important, if labor intensive, practice in coffee farming. Pruning prevents coffee trees from growing too tall and too large and producing a yield that is smaller than average and inaccessible. Proper pruning also helps to reduce plant diseases and pest infestations.

  • Mulching. Mulching is the age-old agricultural practice of spreading leaves or cut grass around the trunks of a plantation crop to keep the area humid and free of weeds. The gradual decay of mulch also adds organic content to the soil. Experts in coffee cultivation say that mulching is important for the production of denser coffee beans; it increases both the quality and the quantity of the yield of coffee trees. Mulching of coffee trees is recommended and carried out all over East Africa.

  • Composting and inputs use. The application of compost and other inputs such as approved fertilizers and pesticides are vital to improving higher and stable levels of cherry production. Only safe and sustainable practices are advocated by InterCafe-Burundi.

  • Harvesting practices. Harvesting cherries when they are perfectly ripe and transporting them to local washing stations within six hours is the rule in Burundi. Cherries that do not conform to ripeness standards or that float when submerged in flotation tanks at the washing station are separated and discarded or processed separately on-farm as washed coffee.
Bahizi Abdallah is the Current Burundi National Barista Champion 2014 and he was performing at the 5th ABC at Hotel Club du Lac Tanganyika at the heart of Africa. He is the Head Barista at Silhouette Internet Coffeeshop here in Bujumbura


Coffee Brewing

There are many methods for brewing a fine cup of coffee, no single technique is right for everyone. The method you choose for brewing your coffee should be based on your needs and your unique coffee preferences or considering what the client has asked for and how long is he there to wait for that cup of coffee. Do you want a hearty mug of coffee for breakfast?  An afternoon cappuccino? Or a dessert espresso? Do you prefer a milder coffee or a more full-bodied coffee flavor?

The quality and flavor of your coffee is not only determined by the brewing process you prefer but also by the type of coffee you select.  For example, what country is the coffee from, what region and what variety of coffee tree?  Or is it a blend from several countries, regions or varieties?  Do you favor a dark roast coffee, a light blend or something in between?  What kind of grind have you selected?  Remember to be creative -- you can choose a dark espresso roast coffee and still have it ground to be brewed in a drip system.

But no matter how you choose to brew your coffee, there are guidelines to follow which will give you the best cup of coffee possible.

And who would help us with the guidelines required?!!